Sunday, 10 June 2007

DPPF - War Cabinet - Meeting Minutes #1

Those present:

Foxy, the official DPPF Mrs, the official DPPF nipper.


Official DPPF teenager, official DPPF middle nipper.

Item 1 Refreshments

Following the weekend, DPPF rations are seriously depleted. Water and rice crackers were noted as not being suitable refreshments for a war council. A vote was taken and it was agreed on a vote of two to one, the the official DPPF Mrs should nip out for a curry. ACTION DPPF Mrs. - Complete

Item 2 Where to leave the keys to the car.

It was noted that the keys to the car should be placed in the bowl on the cupboard. ACTION - Foxy (ongoing).

Item 3 Financial Report

Cash on hand £8.36p

Outgoings (curry/booze) £14.83p

It was noted that the DPPF need to go to the bank in the morning. In the meantime we have sanctioned that £14.83p be committed to the DPPF credit card and we have sanctioned a further £8.36p from cash reserves for diesel. The was by unanimous vote.

Item 3 Training.

It was noted that some training was needed for the DPPF nipper. We will be concentrating mainly on reading and writing and clearing up. ACTION official DPPF Nipper/Foxy/official DPPF Mrs.

It was noted that Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas, is an excellent way of doing quality urban training in a realistic village surroundings. £4.00p diverted from diesel money to Blockbuster account. ACTION - The official DPPF Mrs.

It was further noted that training was required for an unnamed member of the DPPF in anger management.

Item 4 - War progress.


Item 5 - Communication

The DPPF noted that mobile phone use should be kept to a minimum. It was also noted that last months bill was up (again) and needs to come down a bit. ACTION official DPPF Mrs.

It was noted that communications at DPPF headquarters were in need of improvement and that certain key members of the DPPF need to improve the information flow by sitting and having a 'chat' . ACTION Foxy, official DPPF Mrs (Urgent)


It was noted that Headquarters needs a few jobs doing. Official DPPF Mrs to draw up a list outstanding jobs with priorities for each job. ACTION official DPPF Mrs (Complete)

It was also noted that training sessions should not last longer than 3 hours. ACTION Foxy

Date of next meeting.

It was agreed by a unanimous vote that the next meeting will take place when the official DPPF Mrs is at her sisters with the official DPPF Nipper.

Foxy 12th June 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those minutes are not a true reflection of the meeting.