OK, so we've declared war. So that we don't get told off by the UN or bombed by the Americans, we need an official statement.
'We, the DPPF (Davenham Popular Peoples Front) hereby declare war with the following.
- Kingsmead.
- Davenham Parish Council.
- Chavs
- The Bulls Head (except on quiz night).
- Bargain Booze. (except when we need booze)
- Davenham Chippy (except when we are dunk and could eat a scabby rat).
We promise not to use land mines, cluster bombs or nerve agents of any kind, all of which are bang out of order and have no place on the modern battle field. We reserve the right to use Uranium tips once we have looked on Wikipedia and decided if we like them.
We reserve the right to suspend action and call a ceasefire under the following conditions.
- If we get invited to a BBQ on Kingsmead.
- We need to use the shops or takeaway.
- While we are at work.
- If we are tired and need an afternoon nap
Freedom For Davenham'
Don't bother looking for us as we will move headquarters daily (maybe even hourly) so that we can't be tracked by satellite or google earth.
You're an idiot, and your blog is rubbish.
Thanks. Do come back.
Its funny how they dont declare war on moulton, weve got a tank.
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