We have launched a campaign to charm the media and win 'hearts and minds'. We have contacted the local spelling bee - Teh Notrhiwch Grauniad.
'We the nice people of Davenham are fighting a war, in between a bit of light weeding and general DIY. We are looking for recruits to join our ranks, if we don't get any we may start to conscript. Plans are in hand for fortification to the village and we plan to build a world class training centre at a secret location in Davenham. We have a clearly defined road map to full autonomy and plans for an independent kebab shop.
You are either with us or against us.
We are available for interview after 8:30 when the kids are in bed and we have washed up.
PS. The Chronicle have offered a paid exclusive but we think they are rubbish.'
We look forward to them begging to be our mates.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Hearts and Minds
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Daisy, Daisy, Give Me Your Answer Do....
The DPPF are feeling sorry about the plight of the KRA (Kingsmead Residents Association). Apparently, the place is like a rubbish tip and is starting to look like a jungle. Many of them are unable to re-pay car loans and are having to trade in fur coats for underware, as they scrape together enough money to trim their borders.
The DPPF are primarily urban warriors. However, we occasionally take off our designer combats, remove our balaclava's, roll up our sleeves and lend a hand. We have decided to donate one of these from our armoury.
It's called a 'Daisy Cutter'. According to the instruction manual, they can clear most types of vegitation. Should help to keep the borders down a bit.
If anyone has a spare plane, we could drop it off in time for the weekend.
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Monday, 25 June 2007
Know Your Enemy #3 - The Chav
Chavs?, friend or foe? A quick 10 facts from the DPPF Department of Social Services to help you decide.
- There are no pockets in a real Chav track suit. Therefore, they keep their money tucked in their underpants. They can be observed checking their change between 20 and 60 times a minute.
- Chavs share a number of physical similarities. Big ears, extra digits and acne are all caused as a result of swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
- The Chav diet consists exclusively of chewing gum and fags.
- Chavs often confuse tiny mobile phones for ghetto blasters.
- The 'F' word appears often in Chav dialect. Linguists argue that the word is actually used as a form of punctuation.
- There are between 4 and 9 Chavs in Davenham, Kingsmead is home to at least 26,000.
- A riot was recently avoided in Northwich when Argos agreed not to close down the jewellery department.
- The preferred form of protection during intercourse is a bus shelter.
- Chavs are essentially a primitive anarchic culture that has yet to recognise or value the need for respect and law and order.
- Female Chavs are generally orange in colour. Hair scraped back into a tight ponytail is known as a 'Kingsmead facelift'.
Posted by
Thursday, 21 June 2007
The DAB have reminded us that we need to vote tonight for the VRBC. We will be giving spot prizes for the most emaginative spoiled paper.
We would have liked to have interviewed a few more candidates prior to the election. The DPC declined and our independant candidate can't find any of the internets anywhere. We couldn't be bothered to ask the Green party as they are all vegitarians and are busy knitting rafia jackets for their rescued mongrels.
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Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Killing Fields
Now that the DPC's plan to turn Laburnum field into a breeding ground for the teenagers of Kingsmead and Leftwich has failed. The DPPF have decided to requisition the field for training purposes. We intend to build a state of the art facility to train young village conscripts in war craft.
We have opted for a phased approach.
Phase one is to drain the field so that our soldiers don't mess up their Rockports. The DPPF understand that the DPC estimate the cost of doing this to be in the order of £100,000. The official DPPF survey team have this week established that this can been done at zero cost. Recent analysis of surface water has shown that it contains 87.2% urine. The source of this urine has been traced back to Bargain Booze (the BB). We therefore intend to cut out the source of the flooding by standing outside the BB operational centre and offer to buy booze for all the under age kids that drink and urinate on the field and in Laburnum Road. Once we have taken the money we plan to run off with it. This cuts out the source of the contamination and along with our plan to recycle all the glass and beer cans on the field, funds phase 2.
Phase 2 will be the construction of a Krypton Factor type assault course, we have written to Gordon Burns for design ideas. We intend to seek sponsorship for its upkeep from local businesses such as the deli, the hairdressers and that nice gents clothes shop.
Phase 3 will be the construction of an urban combat training arena in the FBI style. We intend to make it more realistic by having a mock up of a kebab shop and some pensioners to work round.
We recognise that we will need to protect our assets from the Americans, so we also intend to have some nice swings and a slide as a disguise. Plans for a sand pit have been shelved as they may confuse it with somewhere in the Middle East and send in the drones to check us out, and we don't want our conscripts to get cat crap on their new Nike combat uniforms.
A consultation process is under way with the local residents, whom we have assured that, we won't park in the road.
The DPC have responded to our plans by attempting to cure the flooding problem with huge sheets of blotting paper.
Posted by
Sunday, 17 June 2007
A Little bit of Politics
Today, opportunity knocks for Mark (Huey) Green of the MPC, who is standing for the VRBC
1. Who are you and what are you standing for in the local elections?.
I'm Mark Green, I live in Moulton, and I'm one of those Sad People who like meetings and politics. I have been described during this campaign as looking like Ernie Wise (I can't see it myself - apart from the legs).
What am I standing for - I've got no chairs!
No - do you?
Unfortunately if I win it will be Vale Royal Borough Council and not DPC, so I won't know what's in their desk!
All of the above
Daily Mirror.
Depends, but as I'm sitting here now Beer.
Eastenders if I must, but actually Shameless.
Blackpool, I burn in the sun.
Bit of both, but mostly Martin Luther King.
Moss Bros.
Dr Martins.
Snorkel parker.
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Saturday, 16 June 2007
Friend or foe?
Judge for your self.
The DPPF have interviewed a leading local politician. The full interview will appear in the next day or two. Providing that we achieve our target of undercoating and wall papering the front room. And some more blokes are brought into Big Brother.
Peace and freedom.
Posted by
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Mass Media
We have decided to sell our souls and go global. The panic linkage contains added kebab shop voting goodness - get them votes in.
Panic on the streets of Davenham
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Know Your Enemy # 2 - Davenham Parish Council (the DPC).
The DPPF have recently taken to sneaking about at night. While the official DPPF Mrs ponders over Trinny and Susanah or Wife Swap, we are out on secret missions. On one such mission we were able to obtain a bag of shredded correspondence. Over the last two weeks the DPPF have been up all night with a Pritt Stick. We have managed to piece together 12 interesting, as yet unknown facts about your local council.
- They are obsessed with parking. Although none of them actually drive!.
- They travel to meetings on donkeys whom they cruelly dangle carrots in front of.
- They intend to store nuclear waste in Davenham.
- Their lavish expense accounts include chewing gum, kebabs and copies of Razzle.
- They intend to build a multi-storey car park where the Oddies is.
- They have an initiative to twin Davenham with Kingsmead because none of them know where France is.
- They are all over 80 years of age and fought in the war.
- They collectively deny the existence of the A556.
- They have Klingon cloaking technology and are virtually invisible.
- They last time the DPC held a surgery in Davenham was the 3rd September 1948.
- They plan to have another one to mark it's centenery in 2048.
- They don't like to see litter bins as they make the village look untidy.
If anyone needs any shredded paper for their pets to crap on, contact us at the usual address.
Posted by
Sunday, 10 June 2007
DPPF - War Cabinet - Meeting Minutes #1
Foxy, the official DPPF Mrs, the official DPPF nipper.
Official DPPF teenager, official DPPF middle nipper.
Item 1 Refreshments
Following the weekend, DPPF rations are seriously depleted. Water and rice crackers were noted as not being suitable refreshments for a war council. A vote was taken and it was agreed on a vote of two to one, the the official DPPF Mrs should nip out for a curry. ACTION DPPF Mrs. - Complete
Item 2 Where to leave the keys to the car.
It was noted that the keys to the car should be placed in the bowl on the cupboard. ACTION - Foxy (ongoing).
Item 3 Financial Report
Cash on hand £8.36p
Outgoings (curry/booze) £14.83p
It was noted that the DPPF need to go to the bank in the morning. In the meantime we have sanctioned that £14.83p be committed to the DPPF credit card and we have sanctioned a further £8.36p from cash reserves for diesel. The was by unanimous vote.
Item 3 Training.
It was noted that some training was needed for the DPPF nipper. We will be concentrating mainly on reading and writing and clearing up. ACTION official DPPF Nipper/Foxy/official DPPF Mrs.
It was noted that Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas, is an excellent way of doing quality urban training in a realistic village surroundings. £4.00p diverted from diesel money to Blockbuster account. ACTION - The official DPPF Mrs.
It was further noted that training was required for an unnamed member of the DPPF in anger management.
Item 4 - War progress.
Item 5 - Communication
The DPPF noted that mobile phone use should be kept to a minimum. It was also noted that last months bill was up (again) and needs to come down a bit. ACTION official DPPF Mrs.
It was noted that communications at DPPF headquarters were in need of improvement and that certain key members of the DPPF need to improve the information flow by sitting and having a 'chat' . ACTION Foxy, official DPPF Mrs (Urgent)
It was noted that Headquarters needs a few jobs doing. Official DPPF Mrs to draw up a list outstanding jobs with priorities for each job. ACTION official DPPF Mrs (Complete)
It was also noted that training sessions should not last longer than 3 hours. ACTION Foxy
Date of next meeting.
It was agreed by a unanimous vote that the next meeting will take place when the official DPPF Mrs is at her sisters with the official DPPF Nipper.
Foxy 12th June 2007
Posted by
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Street Wars
Parking is a popular battleground. Indeed, many of the world's major conflicts have erupted from seemingly minor parking incidents. Genghis Khan for example, lead his screaming Mongol hoards into China because a double parked Yak on Western Xia high street.
Look what nearly kicked of when Nikita Khruschev decided to park some missiles a little to close to JFK's holiday home - he nearly went ballistic.
Davenham Parish Council (the DPC), have declared war on parking. people parking anywhere in the village are being snatched from their cars and beaten by old ladies with whiskey breath. They then take photo's of the parked vehicle and send it to their lords and masters at the DPC. They receive a reward of heating vouchers for their trouble. This has lead to double standards across the town.
In Davenham this is considered to be worth a beating -Whereas in Northwich, this kind of very poor parking is not -
Come the glorious day my freinds!
Posted by
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Phase 3 - Recruitment
Following a meeting tonight between the DPPF and the official DPPF Granddad (who swam all the way home from Dunkirk), We have decided that we need to add to our numbers. The official DPPF Mrs is too busy watching soaps and the official Granddad reckons we need at least a three to one ratio of attackers to defenders to win any battle. In either case we're knackered.
Therefore -Pitch forks to the ready. Our e-mail address is invisible to the yanks so don't worry about tank buster planes while you are watering your geraniums. We are contemplating a news letter - Remember! Careless talk costs lives.
You know it makes sense.
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We Have a Cunning Plan
We’ve received a letter from Vale Royal Council Regarding our planning application for fortification to the village, in which they raise a number of concerns. One of the detailed sections that we proposed for the drawbridge has been under particular scrutiny.
We had proposed to use locally quarried Sandstone and traditional building techniques for the walls and super structure. All timber used in the manufacture of the drawbridges was to come from local renewable sources (the DPPF will probably be committed to reducing our carbon foot print as well – once we have found out what one is). The overall look of the finished construction was proposed as authentic medieval and it looked like this –
The Council have commented as follows -
- We would prefer that the overall finished construction should have a feel of ‘Mock Tudor’ or even 1930’s ‘Post Modern’ semi. We may even consider a three story pseudo ‘Georgian’ replica. This would be more in keeping with recent local developments.
- We do not endorse the use of traditional building materials. Please resubmit you plans showing the drawbridge superstructure being constructed as a timber frame with faux brick cladded panels, the more red the shade, the more we will like it. A nice bit of stippled rendering would also be nice.
- We note that you intend to use timber for the drawbridge itself. We recommend the use of that stripy wood used in decking.
- Please note, if you intend to add a conservatory to your drawbridge at a later date you will need to re-apply for planning permission.
- You cannot have a fence or a hedge, dogs must be kept on a lead.
The DPPF are only grateful that they haven’t noticed the moat. We will develop plans for fundraising later tonight while the official DPPF Mrs is watching Big Brother.
Posted by
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Know Your Enemy #1 - Kingsmead
We had another quick stategic review on the toilet this morning and we have decided to initiate:-
PHASE 2 - Education/Propaganda
A Quick dirty dozen facts about Kingsmead
1. There are 38,000 dwellings on the estate
2. The population is close to 250,000 people and it doubles each year.
3. The money owed by the estate in car loans is equivalent to the GDP of Kenya.
4. No birds fly over the estate.
5. 32% of women living there think that their partner is a professional footballer. In fact they are sales reps.
6. Virtually all of the tax revenue raised in Davenham goes to fund policing and social welfare in Kingsmead.
7. It ruined a perfectly good river valley.
8. Vandalism and exporting vandalism are the favourite pastimes for most dwellers.
9. The shopping precinct was modelled on the Brookside set.
10. It is an offence to walk anywhere.
11. Domino’s pizza’s are pound for pound, more expensive than Polonium – 210. However, they are only slightly less toxic.
12. A family of destitute Albanians recently opted to return to Albania to face almost certain death, rather than be housed on Kingsmead.
Next - 12 interesting facts about your local council.
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Sunday, 3 June 2007
Martial Law
Today we launch phase one - operation Dulux.
The primary objectives of operation Dulux are containment (of the enemy within) and putting an end to cross border clandestine infiltration. The plan is brilliantly simple and is outlined on the battle field map.
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Saturday, 2 June 2007
Keep Your Freinds Close, Keep your Enemies Closer
OK, so we've declared war. So that we don't get told off by the UN or bombed by the Americans, we need an official statement.
'We, the DPPF (Davenham Popular Peoples Front) hereby declare war with the following.
- Kingsmead.
- Davenham Parish Council.
- Chavs
- The Bulls Head (except on quiz night).
- Bargain Booze. (except when we need booze)
- Davenham Chippy (except when we are dunk and could eat a scabby rat).
We promise not to use land mines, cluster bombs or nerve agents of any kind, all of which are bang out of order and have no place on the modern battle field. We reserve the right to use Uranium tips once we have looked on Wikipedia and decided if we like them.
We reserve the right to suspend action and call a ceasefire under the following conditions.
- If we get invited to a BBQ on Kingsmead.
- We need to use the shops or takeaway.
- While we are at work.
- If we are tired and need an afternoon nap
Freedom For Davenham'
Don't bother looking for us as we will move headquarters daily (maybe even hourly) so that we can't be tracked by satellite or google earth.
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Friday, 1 June 2007
It's War
People, recent history has shown us that there are times in our lives when we need to stand up and take the piss. If piss taking fails, we must revert to sulking. If sulking fails, we must get nasty and subversive.
Trouble on the streets of Davenham has been brewing for some time. Gang law is ruling the village, power struggles are rife.
We the Popular Peoples Front of Davenham have decided that enough is enough. We are taking back our village for the good of the people. We stand united and will be victorious.
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