Sunday, 2 March 2008

Lip Up Fatty

Prescott, the Official DPPF pooch has got to go. We need to find him a new home because we can't afford to feed the fat pig. He has taken to eating vast quantities of Haribo and Flumps. We keep catching the rascal begging outside the Spa shop and licking up diesel spillages. Despite walking all the way over to Kingsmead every day for a dump, he is still gaining weight. We called into the Arc veterinary surgery on Kingsmead the other day, they had no idea how to deal with him. They said they are only used to seeing Poodles, Pit Bull Terriers and Cockney Sparrows.

We have decided to release him into the wild. The plan is to paint him dark grey, cut off his legs half way up, hammer the stumps flat and release him into a colony of Walrus. He will then be able to start a family of his own. That's if any Warlrus lady can stand the smell of his diesel breath.

Prescott Yesterday


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Censorship eh? It's like living in China. Shame on you, call yourself a freedom fighter.

Anonymous said...

I hope you freakin rot! your nothing but a piece of crap (thats put nicely) that should have no right to live! its probably a good thing i dont know who you are or where you live because you would for sure be dark grey, with no legs or arms, living with the freakin wolves! its people like you that should have never been born and people like you that dont deserve animals! let alone any breaths! stupid pig!

grieveing amanda said...

you are definitely a heartless soul... a disgrace to humanity...
i hope some1 treats u that way..
may u rot in hell..!!!