Following recent revelations about our neighbours to the south, we have been doing some research and have uncovered some astonishing facts about the bogey eaters. Here is a quick and dirty top ten things that you probably didn't know (or care enough to find out).
- 872 people live in Moulton, the rest are dead and only come out after midnight.
- Moulton has a higher chav density than Kingsmead. Like Kingsmead, it is a net exporter of chavs into Davenham.
- There are more pre 1985 BMW's in Moulton than anywhere else in the world.
- The village dates back to the iron age. Many people that live there come from a long line of cousins.
- Villagers were recently delighted when they found out that Bin what's his name was moving to the village. This would have been the first time that the depth of the gene pool had doubled since a German pilot crashed there in 1942.
- People often think that the village is a haven for Scottish refugees, the Jocks in question are in fact descendants of the German pilot, who is still alive and drinks in the British Legion. After several pints, och aye turns to achtung.
- ITV's Coronation Street is filmed on Regent Street every Wednesday and Friday.
- The beer prices at the Travellers Rest have been frozen since 1976 when they last restocked the cellar.
- The main industry in Moulton is welding bits of cars together.
- Moulton has only one famous son. Tim Burgess was the lead singer with 70's beat combo Allied Carpets.
Wasn't Burgess from Manchestoh?
No, that was Blur, I be frum Moltun so fek off
Nope, Tom Burgess's band were called "the charlie twins" me finks & his family had a farming supply business!! And I should know cos I live in Davenham..
The official Mrs confirms that it was Allied Carpets. She knows his Dad.
davenham turning into overspill for kingsmead,moulton and leftwich just like the local bike 'everybody wants abit!'
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